Granite XL 10 - Complex Blocky Slopers in 360°

Granite XL 10 - Complex Blocky Slopers
- Regular price khip035 MSRP: $507.52
Blocky Granite Complex pinches that work well on their own or with other Granite or Sandstone Complex sets. These block under incut Complex and up against vertical Complex and volumes.
Difficulty: Advanced/Open
Stacking Angle/s: 0º Vertical on at least one side of several in this set. Also some 10º, 20º, and 30º sides. Different slopey angles on the backs work with many steeper complex. Basically, due to angle variety these work well with most other Complex sets.
6 Grips
Granite Texture Ian Powell Spring 2020
Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 2.5" x 2, 3" x 2, 4" x 1, 4.5" x 1 and/or screws 2" x 16, 3" x 1, 3.5" x 2, 4" x 5
Other Granite Complex sets with 0º vertical stacking angles: KHIP033, KHIP034, KHIP036, KHIP045, KHIP049
Other Granite Complex sets with 10º overhanging / 80º slab stacking angles: K198
Other Granite Complex sets with 20º overhanging / 70º slab stacking angles: KHIP041, KHIP030, KHIP034, KHIP063
Other Granite Complex sets with 30º overhanging / 60º slopey angles: KHIP034, KHIP040, KHIP042, KHIP043, KHIP044
Other Granite Complex sets with 50º overhanging / 40º slab angles: KHIP036, KHIP037, KHIP046, KHIP058