Kilter Board - Layout Comparison

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Kilter Board - Layout Comparison

Kilter Board Layouts: Original (OG) vs. HW Fullride (FR)



OG Kilter Board

HW Fullride Kilter Board

Sizes Available (Width x Height)

Holds per wall*

Holds per wall


638 (432 bolt-on, 207 screw-on)

Size not available


476 (323 bolt-on, 153 screw-on)

Size not available


Size not available



311 (209 bolt-on, 102 screw-on)


10’x10’ (no kicker needed)

Size not available


7’x10’ (no kicker needed)

225 (165 bolt-on, 60 screw-on)


Hold Types

Mix of jugs, edges, pinches, crimps, and underclings 

Includes thinner edges, smaller crimps, pinches, and underclings

Foot-Specific Holds

Includes dedicated foot holds

Excludes foot-specific holds, allowing all holds to be used as hand or foot holds

Bolt Type

Socket head bolts

Flat head bolts (martini bolts)

Best Use Case

Training for all ability levels from beginner to advanced 

Training for outdoor climbs and indoor competitions

Hand Hold Density (holds per square foot)

2.20 holds/sq ft

4.34 holds/sq ft (approx 2x density)

Climbing Style

Dynamic and power oriented movement

Similar to outdoor climbing - more static and technical


Choosing the Right Layout for Your Space

Both the Original Layout and the HW Fullride Layout are exceptional training tools, but they cater to different needs:

  • Choose the Original Layout if you want a versatile, high-performance board with a focus on varied terrain, dynamic movement, and an expansive database of climbing problems.

  • Choose the HW Fullride Layout if you need a compact, cost-effective board with high hold density and specific features tailored to simulate outdoor climbing challenges.

Have any other questions?

Reach out to us:

Kiel can help you:

  • Discuss your space and make size/frame recommendations.

  • Plan for padding, installation, and other requirements.

  • Answer any questions you have about getting started.

Let’s make your Kilter Board project a success!


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