Winter Kaiju Slopers 1-3 in 360°

Winter Kaiju Slopers 1-3
- Regular price k067-kit MSRP: $488.00
BAL-0050 x 0.0"
BAL-0060 x 0.0"
ADD BOLTS: $0.00
Two big slopey hearts and a slightly incut double sided squeeze job. The big heart is one of the hardest holds Kilter makes. The little one was so popular that we sold all three copies we had plus the master off the wall to visiting World Cup teams in 2015. The middle hold is usable on intermediate, even rec on low angles. The hearts are mostly advanced/open only.
3 Grips
Super Fine Texture Ian Powell 2014
Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 5" x 1, 6" x 2