Jimmy's Southern Slopers 2XL 2 - Slopers in 360°

Jimmy's Southern Slopers 2XL 2 - Slopers
- Regular price khjw005 MSRP: $389.55
1 x 3.0"
1 x 3.5"
1 x 4.0"
1 x 4.5"
ADD BOLTS: $4.49
Smaller and slopier than the 2XL Multi-Slopers, but still true to their name - blobby Southern Slopers from Jimmy.
Like the multi-slopers, a couple of these are good enough to use on a roof if you're really strong, but unlike the multi-slopers these are more directional, with one usable side and a nice taper on the back. Great compliment to the other slopers in Jimmy's line.
4 Grips
Fine Texture Summer 2017 Jimmy Webb
Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 3" x 1, 3.5" x 1, 4" x 1, 4.5" x 1