Pockets!!! Puffy-radius smooth pockets with subtle granite texture around the mouth so you can set them with other granite sets. Bolt on or screw on using predrilled, washered set screw...
$287.52 |
Granite Medium 5 - Pockets |
4 big Granite Teagan pinches. Unique and interesting holds. Junction holds, meaning they match our Teagan and Granite lines so you can combine those sets on one route. Granite Texture...
$259.68 |
Granite Teagan XL Set 1... |
Granite Kaiju Roof Slopers! A sloper, a slopey incut, and a kind-of jug. The big wave is one of the prettiest holds we've made. Go well with our other Granite and...
$325.32 |
Granite Kaiju 1-3 Roof Slopers |
Pockets!!! Puffy-radius smooth pockets with subtle granite texture around the mouth so you can set them with other granite sets. Mixed 1 pad and 2 pad pockets. Includes the already...
$453.57 |
Granite Medium 3 - Pockets |
Four granite-textured screw-ons made to fit on volumes and between a volume and the wall. The two with two flat sides were shaped specifically for a Motavation triangle but can...
$96.30 |
Granite Jibs Large 2 -... |
Nice big low profile granite huecos. Go great with Ian's Granite Pockets and of course the rest of our granite! 3 Grips Fine Texture Ian Powell ...
$318.42 |
Granite 2XL Set 2 -... |
Comfortable overcut jugs with Granite styling. Go great with Ian's Granite Medium and Large Jugs and of course the rest of our granite! 5 Grips Fine Texture Ian Powell...
$191.88 |
Granite XL 2 - Over... |
Over jugs! Some of the most useful holds in a gym, comfortable on any angle and good even on the steepest roofs. Good with other granite or with Sandstone. 5 Grips...
$207.21 |
Granite XL 1 - Over... |
Little bitey incut crimps and rounded crimps make great feet on all angles and are very cool as bumping holds and hard hands on steeper walls. Very fun and useful set....
$109.55 |
Granite Small 5 - Feet |
Flat to incut set with granite texture on the usable surface. Great as steep wall or easier feet and challenging as small hands. Difficulty: Any20 grips Granite Texture Ian Powell...
$185.07 |
Granite Feet Set 1 |
Incut to flat crimps that also make good feet. Another cool, useful set. Difficulty: Adv/Open 1/2 - 1 Pad 10 Grips Fine Granite Texure Ian Powell Fall 2021...
$151.93 |
Granite Small 11 - Crimps |
Three tricky granite Kaiju from Will Anglin. The granite banana, a blocky incut with a hidden pinch, and a big dishy sloper. Subtle, interesting, and fun. Probably our hardest Kaiju...
$580.20 |
Granite Kaiju 1-3 |
Cool new Teagan shapes with Granite texture. Good compliment to Granite and Teagan lines, as well as Stella Granite Junction holds. Difficulty: Any depending on angle, mostly Intermediate/Advanced/Open 3 Grips (1...
$341.67 |
Granite Teagan 2XL Set 1... |
3 very pretty Granite huecos. Puffy and incut, with granite styling. Two C-shaped, one full O. Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced/Open. Can be rec at lowest angles. 3 Grips Fine Texture Ian Powell...
$675.24 |
Granite Kaiju 4-6 - Huecos |
Incut and flat granite crimps. Bigger than the small crimps, smaller than the mini jugs. You can get all 4 fingers on 'em. Advanced/Open 10 Grips Granite texture Will Anglin...
$177.75 |
Granite Medium 3 - Steep... |
Granite mini-jugs. Comfortable and interesting. One of Jackie's favorite sets as soon as she discovered they make a great V5/6 and harder out the long Dojo roof at The Spot.Intermediate,...
$141.10 |
Granite Medium 1 - Mini... |
Chunky puffy-radius jugs with granite texture on the outside (and a few on the grip) so you can set them with other granite sets. Every gym needs 'em. Difficulty: Rec/Intermediate10...
$274.85 |
Granite Large 1 - Jugs |
Ian's first Granite Kaiju set. Made for steeper walls than Will's Granite Kaiju, these are usable even on roofs. Incut ledge hueco for fun and big double hand roof-sloper directional...
$664.48 |
Granite Kaiju 5-6 |
Cool full hand Granite slopers. Pinchy. Slopey. Pretty hard on every angle. Very cool for compression on volumes as well. Go well with the other Granite Slopers. Mostly Advanced/Open Full...
$326.33 |
Granite XL 5 - Slopers |
Small slopey edges make cool directional feet and challenging hands. Difficulty: Adv/Open, can be Intermediate feet on lower angles 1/4 pad - 1/2 pad 10 Grips Fine Granite Texure Ian...
$140.90 |
Granite Small 4 - Feet |
Blocky Granite Crimps! Fun wrapper blocky little shapes for lots of purposes. Not designed as a complex set but can be blocked with overhanging blockers. Fun set. Any difficulty depending on...
$136.35 |
Granite Small 3 - Edges |
Flat to slopey feet and small hands with granite texture on the usable spots. Good dual-signifier crossover set between Sandstone Plate Slopers and Sandstone Plate Sloper Huecos and other Granite...
$195.42 |
Granite Feet Set 2 |
Pockets!!! Puffy-radius smooth pockets with subtle granite texture around the mouth so you can set them with other granite sets. Bolt on or screw on using predrilled, washered set screw...
$350.95 |
Granite XL 7 - Pockets |
Lifted Granite Edges! Extremely cool lifted flat edges with Ian's fine granite texture. Not designed as a complex set but can be blocked with overhanging blockers. Really wonderful holds. Any...
$145.78 |
Granite Medium 9 - Raised... |
Over jugs! Some of the most useful holds in a gym, comfortable on any angle and good even on the steepest roofs. Good with other granite or with Sandstone. 10...
$273.63 |
Granite Medium 11 - Jugs |
Over jugs! Some of the most useful holds in a gym, comfortable on any angle and good even on the steepest roofs. Good with other granite or with Sandstone. 5...
$99.07 |
Granite Medium 10 - Jugs |
$341.33 |
Granite Kaiju 7-8 |
Large granite texture jib plates to change the feel of the faces of your volumes. Subtle and interesting, keep volumes in-style for granite routes and make them feel fresh. Also work...
$204.17 |
Granite Mega Jibs Set 1... |
Granite texture jibs that work together to make pinches or use alone on volumes, angle changes, and low angle walls. Go well with Granite Texture Plates and other Granite sets. Subtle...
$97.55 |
Granite Jibs Set 1 |
Comfortable grab-you-back granite jug horns. Super overcut and matchable. 5 Grips Granite Texture Ian Powell Spring 2018 Hardware recommended (not included): bolts TK" x 5 Material:...
$377.97 |
Granite 2XL Set 1 -... |
Tiny biter granite crimp set. These things are hard but can be used even on steeps. Advanced/Open10 Grips Granite Texture Will Anglin Summer 2015 Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 1.5"...
$87.10 |
Granite Small 1 - Crimps |
Chunky puffy-radius jugs with granite texture on the outside (and a few on the grip) so you can set them with other granite sets. Every gym needs 'em. Difficulty: Rec/Intermediate10...
$214.92 |
Granite Medium 1 - Jugs |
Modern granite textured screw-ons made to fit on volumes. Pair two on a volume edge for a nice pinch. You can use 'em on wall edges and low angles as...
$198.80 |
Curvy Mod Granite Jibs Set... |
Techy granite feet! Some incut, some flat to slopey. You have to work to stand on them right. Intermediate/Advanced/Open20 Grips Granite Texture Will Anglin Summer 2015 Hardware recommended (not included):...
$140.82 |
Granite XS 1 - Feet |
Comfortable granite flake jugs. Biggest incuts in the granite line so far. Rec/Intermediate, harder on roofs 5 GripsGranite Texture Will Anglin Fall 2015 Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 2" x...
$226.02 |
Granite XL 4 - Plate... |
Granite plates! Flat crimps and edges. Work well with volumes or on their own. Advanced/Open Granite Texture Will Anglin Fall 2015 Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 2" x 2, 2.5"...
$266.50 |
Granite XL 2 - Plates |
Interesting granite textured blocks that can be set together to form seams. Rec on slab, can be any difficulty depending on angle5 Grips Granite Texture Will Anglin 2015 Hardware recommended...
$216.50 |
Granite XL 1 - Blocks |
Smaller set of slopey granite dishes. Technical. Good on lower angles, volumes, angle changes.10 Grips Granite Texture Will Anglin Summer 2015 Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 1.5" x 10
$160.95 |
Granite Small 2 - Dishes |
Interesting and comfortable granite in-cuts and a couple of mini jugs. Go especially well with other granites and sandstones. Intermediate/Advanced/Open 10 Grips Granite texture Will Anglin Spring 2017 Hardware recommended...
$187.97 |
Granite Medium 5 - Incuts |
Small slopey granite dish set. Great for techy setting, vert walls and slabs, volumes, angle changes, and as hard feet. Advanced/Open10 Grips Granite Texture Will Anglin Summer 2015 Hardware recommended...
$126.77 |
Granite Medium 2 - Slopers |
Excellent granite pinch plates. Easiest granite pinch set so far, but you still have to work for them and on slight overhangs they are definitely advanced and up. Advanced/Open10 Grips...
$290.20 |
Granite Large 6 - Pinches |
Slightly larger than Will's Granite Large 4. Techy granite pinches. Screw on or bolt on. Advanced/Open5 Grips Granite Texture Will Anglin Summer 2015 Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 2" x...
$129.72 |
Granite Large 5 - Pinches |
Techy granite dishes. Have enough screw points to screw on or bolt on. Advanced/Open5 Grips Granite Texture Will Anglin Summer 2015 Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 1.5" x 1, 2"...
$163.52 |
Granite Large 4 - Dishes |
Slopey granite pinches. Yay. Advanced/Open 5 GripsFine Texture Will Anglin Summer 2015 Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 2" x 5
$170.20 |
Granite Large 3 - Pinches |
Slightly smaller than Will's Granite Large 1 Slopers. Advanced/Open 5 Grips Granite Texture Will Anglin Summer 2015 Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 2" x 5
$132.92 |
Granite Large 2 - Slopers |
Single hand granite slopers. Oh so technical. Advanced/Open 5 Grips Granite Texture Will Anglin Fall 2014 Hardware recommended (not included): bolts 2.5" x 3, 3" x 2
$179.13 |
Granite Large 1 - Slopers |
Big handfuls of slopey granite pinch. Wonderful compliment to Will's Granite Kaiju and the smaller Will's Granite Sloper sets. Everyone who grabs these in the studio wants them for their...
$309.65 |
Granite 2XL 2 - Slopers |
Super juggy incut pinch you can match on top of, deep comfy slot jug, shallower angled slot, and rounded slug (sloper-jug), all partially stylized with Will's granite texture.4 Grips Will...
$243.95 |
Granite 2XL 1 - Jugs |
Techy slopey granite textured feet. Some of the hardest feet we make. Interesting, technical, and unique. Difficulty: Advanced/Open Bolt-on 20 Grips Granite texture Peter Juhl Winter 2018 Hardware recommended (not...
$209.80 |
Granite XS 1 - Techy... |
Intricate granite seam crimps. The tapered side is textured so it can be used as a slopey hand or foot if upside-down. Interesting, technical, and unique. Difficulty: Advanced/Open Screw-on 6...
$176.30 |
Granite Jibs Large 1 |
Flat to slopey set with super fine mod rock granite texture on the usable surface. Also work as hands on lower angles. Difficulty: Any20 grips Fine Granite Texture Ian Powell...
$199.00 |
Mod Granite Feet Set 1 |
Pockets!!! Puffy-radius smooth pockets with subtle granite texture around the mouth so you can set them with other granite sets. Bolt on or screw on using predrilled, washered set screw...
$375.68 |
Granite XL 6 - Pockets |
The new Dream Pockets, and better than ever. Big puffy radius fat lip smooth grip pockets with subtle granite texture around the mouth so you can set them with other...
$365.63 |
Granite XL 5 - Pockets |
Pockets!!! Puffy-radius smooth pockets with subtle granite texture around the mouth so you can set them with other granite sets. Bolt on or screw on using predrilled, washered set screw...
$288.13 |
Granite Medium 4 - Pockets |
Big chunky puffy-radius jugs with granite texture on the outside (and a few on the grip) so you can set them with other granite sets. Every gym needs 'em. Difficulty:...
$262.07 |
Granite Large 2 - Jugs |
Slopey small crimps. Very very cool delicate set. Work great on volumes, angle changes, and low angles. Difficulty: Adv/Open 1/4 - 1.5 pad 10 Grips Fine Granite Texure Ian Powell...
$151.93 |
Granite Small 9 - Feet |
Slopey plates, some you can crimp on. Very very cool delicate set. Work great on volumes, angle changes, and low angles. We have a "1 set problem" video of these...
$149.85 |
Granite Small 8 - Feet |
Flat to slightly incut little crimps make for great low angle techy problems. Good for feet as well on most angles. Difficulty: Adv/Open, can be Intermediate feet as well 1/4 - 1/2...
$117.43 |
Granite Small 7 - Feet |
Flat to slopey lifted crimps make for great low angle techy problems. Useful as techy feet as well on most angles. Difficulty: Adv/Open, can be Intermediate feet as well 1/4 - 1/2 pad...
$108.50 |
Granite Small 6 - Feet |
Slopey small crimps. Another great set that work great on volumes, angle changes, and low angles. Great as feet. Difficulty: Adv/Open 1/4 - 1/2 pad 10 Grips Fine Granite Texure ...
$152.83 |
Granite Small 10 - Feet |
Slopey Dual-Tex Granite Texture Plates create a spot of texture precisely where you want it. Great for volumes and angle changes and slabs, will be quite hard all alone. Very...
$172.20 |
Granite Large 9 - Dual-Tex... |
Big lumpy Granite Slopers with super fine mod Granite texture. Sure to be favorites. Difficulty: Mostly Advanced/Open 2 Grips Granite Texture Ian Powell Winter 2020/Spring 2021 Hardware recommended (not included):...
$249.42 |
Granite 2XL 3 - Slopers |
Four granite-textured screw-ons made to fit on volumes. Super fine foam, with granite texture that makes them easier to hold than the slick jib sets. Advanced/Open 4 Grips Super Fine...
$121.88 |
Granite Jibs Large 1 |