• USAC Pack #1

USAC Pack #1

$ 1,851.04


USAC Team Trials 2021 Qualis Granite Complex Route Pack +

These are the sets that were used to set the all Granite Complex slab quali at the USAC Team Trials event held March 2021 in Memphis, Tennessee. This pack contains the holds on the climb plus the rest of the holds in those sets.

Photo of the climb in the event by @breesframes

This Pack contains 6 sets:

KHIP032, KHIP037, KHIP045, KHIP048, KHIP049, and KHIP053

Total: 27 Holds

Granite Complex Texture      Ian Powell      Spring 2021

Hardware Recommended (not included): Bolts 2.5" x 2, 3" x 3, 3.5" x 2, 4" x 2; Screws x 120

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