Urban Plastix

Peter Juhl is a climber, routesetter, and sculptor from New York City. In 2011 while working for Brooklyn Boulders he began shaping climbing holds, then teamed up with BKB and Aragon to begin producing Urban Plastix.

Peter Juhl by AGR Photo

UP started with several styles including the iconic Tremors (ribbed tufas and pinches), The Fins, the Brick Series holds, and his Stealth Dual-Tex line of slopers, feet, and jugs, which are still considered some of the best dual-tex ever to hit the market.

He also has other styles including Rock (inspirations include Fontainebleau and Hueco), Regs (smooth, useful holds including the Speed Bumps, Horns and Beanes), Urban (Rivots, Pipes, Bling, Tiles, and other shapes and textures inspired by the urban environment of New York where UP started), and Artistic (Octopus, Waves, and a bunch more fun shapes).

Now that UP is at Kilter, Pete plans to expand his styles and add more new styles in the UP Aragon-produced and European-produced lines. 

Scroll down for a list of his main styles. Be sure to check out the Not Fonts, Stratos, Stealth and Speed Bump lines!

See some holds and new stuff in progress: Urban Plastix on Instagram


A Little History

Peter and Jackie met in Hueco Tanks in 2009 or 2010. When Pete started UP The Spot Setting Team quickly became devoted to the brand and ended up partnering with UP on several events and competitions. At one CWA, The Spot even set an entire boulder with Urban Plastix holds!

When Ian began shaping again Jackie introduced him to Peter and they became great friends. For several years Peter would fly out to Boulder to work with Ian at the Kilter Studio on shapes he was making for Haptic and also on shapes for Urban Plastix.

The partnership works well because Peter and Ian each have unique shaping styles that are different from each other but compliment each other well. We are excited to have Urban Plastix in house now so we can let Pete focus on shaping and make it easy for gyms to order all the classic and brand new Urban Plastix holds!

 Urban Plastix Stealth Feet

Simplify The Ordering Process

Discounts are earned based on your combined total of all Setter Closet brands - Kilter, Haptic, F-Bloc, and Urban Plastix. Order from all brands at the same time - one cart, one order form, one rep. Pay with a single payment. Ship in a single shipment from Aragon for US holds and from Composite-X for European holds. 



Urban Plastix Logo UP Climbing Holds All Urban Plastix Holds
Urban Plastix Bricks Series Climbing Holds Bricks
 Urban Plastix Rock Climbing Holds PU Aragon Ditches Slots Ditches
Urban Plastix Rock Climbing Downclimb Hold Arrow Jug Downclimb
Urban Plastix Not Font Climbing Holds Fontainebleau Rock Not Font
Urban Plastix Regs Indoor Climbing Pockets Holds Regs
Urban Plastix Speed Bumps Climbing Holds Speed Bumps
Stealth Dual Tex Climbing Holds Urban Plastix Stealth
Stratos Climbing Holds Urban Plastix Stratos
Tremors Climbing Holds Urban Plastix Tremors
Unique Art
UP American-Made Only
UP European-Made Only
Urban Plastix Speed Bumps Fiberglass Holds UP Fiberglass

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